Our Teachers: Sunday Morning

Teaching and learning starts at the very beginning of life. So, here at Gethsemane we believe the nursery is important. These ladies work hard at keeping this ministry in order and they love all the little blessings we call babies. (Starting from left to right)
Cookie, Kristie, Mikki, Mindy, and Jessica. Here at Gethsemane, we take pride in protecting, loving, and teaching all ages. We would love the opportunity to keep your child while you study Gods word.

Mikki Patterson teaches our 3rd through 5th grade students. She loves teaching her kids the scriptures and helps prepare them to transition to the youth group. Mikki has been a part of Gethsemane from the very beginning, she was a part of the original church plant. Mikki would love to help teach your children too.

Travis Patterson teaches our adult Sunday school class where he is taking us through the gospels. His desire is lay the foundation of Jesus. Travis is passionate about others coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Every Sunday morning we meet in the fellowship hall and grow in the Lord.

Lady Senior Saints:
Cookie Dendy teaches our senior lady’s class. Cookie loves to teach from the kids to the ladies. She is passionate about sharing Jesus with anyone that will listen and is a prayer warrior for the Lord. Cookie would love to have you join her class.
Our Teachers: Wednesday Night
Gethsemane Kids:
Jessica Patterson and Cookie Dendy teach K through 5th grade on Wednesday nights; they do crafts and teach them the Bible. While our parents can feel at ease as they diving into scripture for themselves. Nursery is also available on Wednesday nights.

Wednesday Night Adults: